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School catchment areas

I'm new to the forum and would appreciate any info/recommendations on primary schools that cover La Marina and surrounding areas, I’m not finding a lot via google.
I plan to enrol my young kids in a local Spanish school and would prefer to have an idea of location before sourcing accommodation.
We are looking to relocate to Spain in the next few months for a couple of years, renting initially then hopefully purchasing property.
Thanks in advance.

La Marina

The urb and San fulgencio village are covered by a primary school in San fulgencio for ages 3 upwards. Also free buses are available from the urb, if space still available. La marina has its own school.

Commented Jodies Groom Room in La Marina 2015-08-20 06:49:35 UTC

There is a local Spanish school in La Marina Village, but this comes under Elche Town Hall, not San Fulgencio.

Commented info in La Marina 2015-08-20 07:39:29 UTC

Hi, Thanks for the reply.
The school in San Fulgencio, would that be JOSE MARIA MANRESA NAVARRO? Any info on this would be great as in struggling to find information similar to what is available on UK schools. (Results, class sizes, etc)
Google maps shows this to be a fairly modern looking school compared to others-it would be good to hear from anyone with a good experience of local schools.
Apologies for all the questions.

Commented kfsspam in Alicante 2015-08-20 09:20:02 UTC

Yes that's the one. My two boys go there. It's a great school, as for the further info, you may have to contact the school and arrange an appointment.

Commented Jodies Groom Room in La Marina 2015-08-20 13:11:43 UTC

Many thanks, it helps just hearing other parents views, we will be no doubt visiting the schools after some more research on placements etc.
Thanks again,

Commented kfsspam in Alicante 2015-08-21 00:17:41 UTC